Rachel's Maternity Session

rachels maternity session

Rachel reached out to me knowing exactly what she wanted. She wanted someone to document her pregnancy, birth and beyond. This included her baby shower, lifestyle newborn and even milestones of her first precious baby boy. I am so glad we were a match because she is just precious. She is kind and sweet and beautiful. She loves organization and schedule. That’s my kind of person! I’m very much that way about having things “just so” because it helps me function with my busy life without thinking. We clicked right away.

Her maternity session had some negatives with weather. I typically love overcast skies. What I don’t get crazy excited for? Ominous and black cloud cover. I do, however, LOVE a good challenge. So, mother nature, challenge accepted.

They turned out so beautifully! I especially love how she so wanted her husband to be with her. I love that pregnancy is just as much about mama as it is for the whole family.