Kaylie's Birth Session

Kaylie’s Birth was the first birth I attended at the Birth Center of Baton Rouge. I tried to add some photos that show how beautiful the facility. This was a such a treat as far as birth photography goes. It was full of light and nice beautiful windows. Just gorgeous. Now, on to the real story.

Kaylie was another mama that booked me during the Northshore Birth Options Birth Fair. She is a passionate doula and you can read all about what she does here. . This was her second baby and she was empowered and educated and seeking the birth of her dreams.

She labored so beautifully. Slow and steady progress. Her doula, Kayla Judy (one of my favorite humans), and I actually left to give space to Kaylie and her husband be for a while to really let things pick up. Things were really fast and furious when she was at home, but once she arrived at the birth center they waned a bit which isn’t uncommon. When we came back, Kaylie was REALLY in it. Things were progressing beautifully and she was in active labor.

Not too much longer that she was in full on transition and knocking at 10 cm door. Once she got to 10 cm, things stopped. They stopped for a long time. Hours. “Don’t push" and “stay on your hands and feet” were the songs being sung to help her sweet little Silas get in a better position. Kaylie was having terrible back labor at this point because Silas had not rotated to the ideal spot to be born. Finally, once the amazing Dr. Dickerson arrive, things started moving.

Kayla, the doula, suggested a tug-of-war pushing method and it WORKED. Baby Silas was scooped into his mother’s hands and all was well. It was a magnificent birth.

The icing on the cake? Kaylie’s little girl coming to meet her little brother. It was beyond precious.

Congratulations, Kaylie! You were AMAZING!